Thursday, July 31, 2008


Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python written in 100% Pure Java, and seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. It thus allows you to run Python on any Java platform.

This project is hosted on and you can find more info from their official website

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Synfig 2D

Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources.
You can check more stuff from their OFFICIAL website

Thursday, July 3, 2008

WindowsXP theme

I found this official theme on net [] and its lot better then normal XP themes (and similar to Vista's).

Download Royale Noir (.ZIP) [403K]

Download Royale Noir (.RAR) [232K]

Instructions to use:

  1. Extract files to “C:\windows\resources\themes\royale noir”
  2. Double click on “luna.msstyles”
  3. Select “Noir” from “Color Scheme”

Because this theme has been code-signed by Microsoft, no UXTheme.dll hack required.
